Prepare to Treat Patients and Save Lives as an EMT
If you’re ready to answer the call of emergency medical services (EMS), Unitek EMT offers an accelerated 14-Day EMT Boot Camp that can have you certified and mission-ready in just two weeks. Our accelerated program is designed to equip you with the expertise needed to provide effective EMT treatment and to pass the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) certification exam.
Unitek EMT workshop classes are taught by experienced EMS professionals and include a complete EMT education with hands-on training in real-world simulations. The boot camp, which consists of 12 hours of instruction per day for 14 consecutive days, simulates the intense pace of life as an EMT. As a graduate, you will possess the necessary knowledge and skills to deliver pre-hospital medical care and save lives confidently.
About the Unitek EMT 14-Day Boot Camp
If you’re eager to break into the EMT profession and start saving lives, the Unitek EMT 14-Day Boot Camp is your fastest route. Our accelerated EMT program equips you to successfully pass the NREMT exam required to become an EMT in the most efficient and cost-efficient way possible.
(Click here to learn more about our 14-Day EMT Boot Camp)
Key Advantages of the 14-Day EMT Boot Camp
- Get NREMT Certified Quickly. The accelerated Boot Camp format prepares you for NREMT certification in less time than many other training programs.
- Learn From Veteran EMS Professionals. Backed by years of on-the-job experience, our dedicated EMT instructors train you for your NREMT exam and equip you to succeed in the real world.
- Experience Realistic Training Simulations. To develop your skills as an EMT, classroom instruction is enhanced with realistic disaster simulations. Students get hands-on experience assessing and responding to complex incidents.
- Study Updated Curriculum. Courses are frequently updated to the latest standards set by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
- No Hidden Fees or Service Charges. One affordable, all-inclusive price covers the entire Unitek Boot Camp program, including hands-on instructor-led training, in-class meals, and much more.
- Train With Current Technology. Our Boot Camp is taught using current technology, including cutting-edge mobile applications, to prepare you for today’s demanding EMS role.
About the EMT Textbook
The primary resource for the EMT Boot Camp is the textbook:
Emergency Care and Transportation of the Sick and Injured Digital Advantage Package (12th Edition)
Used throughout the training, this textbook provides fundamental knowledge of the EMS system, the safety and well-being of the EMT, and medical, legal, and ethical issues regarding the provision of emergency care.
When the textbook was first published in 1971 by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), it laid the foundation for EMS training. Today, the Twelfth Edition is transforming how EMS education is delivered throughout the world and helps develop world-class EMS professionals around the globe. Each chapter covers National EMS Education Standard Competencies.

Unitek 14-Day EMT Boot Camp Schedule
The Unitek 14-Day EMT Boot Camp is an intense and robust two-week program that includes hands-on exercises, active learning, and clinical simulations. Taught by seasoned EMS professionals, the EMT program includes approximately 10 hours of EMS instruction per day for 14 consecutive days. During the program, students participate in realistic emergency simulations preparing them for success in the field. If you’ve already earned your EMT license and need to recertify, click here to learn more about the Unitek EMT Refresher Course.
The knowledge and skills training for each of the 14 days are highlighted below:
EMT Class Schedule: Day 1
- EMS Systems: Provides an overview and history of the EMS system and the various roles within EMS. You will also learn about the ongoing process of quality improvement in EMS, and the importance of patient safety.
- Workplace Safety & Wellness: Explores fundamental knowledge needed to provide basic emergency care and transportation based on the assessment findings for an acutely ill patient. You will learn how to decontaminate the ambulance and equipment after treating a patient.
- Medical, Legal & Ethical Issues: Discusses the medical, legal, and ethical issues involved with EMS. You will learn about consent and refusal of care, patient confidentiality, and end-of-life issues.
- Medical Terminology: Explains medical and anatomical terms and abbreviations used in written and oral communications. You will learn how to effectively communicate with other healthcare professionals.
- Learn More: Click here to learn more about Day 1 of the EMT Curriculum.
EMT Class Schedule: Day 2
- The Human Body: Applies fundamental knowledge of the anatomy and function of all human systems to the practice of EMS. You will understand the causes and consequences of respiration and perfusion to patient assessment and management.
- Lifting & Moving Patients: Teaches the operational roles and responsibilities to ensure patient, public, and personnel safety. You will acquire the knowledge needed to handle and transport patients safely.
- Team Approach: Applies fundamental knowledge of transferring patient care, how to interact within the team structure, and team communication and dynamics. You will learn about patient safety and how to maintain best practices in the provision of emergency care.
- BLS: Applies fundamental knowledge of the causes and management of shock, respiratory failure or arrest, cardiac failure or arrest, and post-resuscitation management. You will be able to demonstrate how to perform BLS procedures, such as CPR.
- Learn More: Click here to learn more about Day 2 of the EMT Curriculum.
EMT Class Schedule: Day 3
- Shock: Describes the causes, consequences, and management of shock, respiratory failure or arrest, cardiac failure or arrest, and post-resuscitation management. You will be able to differentiate among the various types of shock and demonstrate how to control shock on a patient.
- Patient Assessment: Applies scene information and patient assessment findings to guide emergency management. You will discover how to obtain and use information (scene size-up, primary and secondary assessment, patient history, and reassessment) to identify and treat life threats and determine if transport is required.
- Airway Management: Focuses on knowledge of general anatomy and physiology to patient assessment and management. You will learn how to ensure a patent airway, adequate mechanical ventilation, and respiration for patients of all ages.
- Learn More: Click here to learn more about Day 3 of the EMT Curriculum.

EMT Class Schedule: Day 4
- Respiratory Emergencies: Teaches the anatomy, signs, symptoms, and management of respiratory emergencies, including upper and lower airways. You will be able to demonstrate how to use various assessment protocols and how to assist a patient with an inhaler and nebulizer.
- Cardiovascular Emergencies: Discusses the causes and consequences of respiration and perfusion as they relate to patient assessment and management. You will discover the basic anatomy and physiology of the cardiovascular system and explain the use of various treatments for cardiovascular emergencies.
- Pharmacology: Provides knowledge of the medications that EMTs may assist with or administer to patients during an emergency. You will become familiar with the names, effects, actions, indications, and contraindications of various medications.
- Learn More: Click here to learn more about Day 4 of the EMT Curriculum.
EMT Class Schedule: Day 5
- Neurological Emergencies: Provides information on the anatomy, presentations, and management of neurologic emergencies. You will study the assessment and treatment for stroke, transient ischemic attack, seizure, status epilepticus, and headache.
- Gastrointestinal Emergencies: Teaches the anatomy, presentations, and management of shock associated with abdominal emergencies. You will learn the assessment and management of acute and chronic gastrointestinal hemorrhage, peritonitis, and ulcerative diseases.
- Endocrine & Hematologic Emergencies: Explains how diabetic emergencies cause altered mental status and the management of acute diabetic emergencies. You will be able to demonstrate the assessment and care of patients with hypoglycemia and a decreased level of consciousness.
- Learn More: Click here to learn more about Day 5 of the EMT Curriculum.
EMT Class Schedule: Day 6
- Allergic Emergencies: Applies fundamental knowledge to provide basic emergency care and transportation based on assessment findings for an acutely ill patient. You will learn how to respond to anaphylactic reactions and hypersensitivity disorders in emergencies.
- Behavioral Emergencies: Applies fundamental knowledge to provide basic emergency care and transportation based on assessment findings for an acutely ill patient. You will learn to recognize behaviors that pose a risk to the EMT, patient, or others. In addition, you will learn the basic principles of the mental healthcare system.
- Toxicology: Provides an understanding of poisons, including alcohol intoxication and withdrawal. You will be able to assess and treat a patient with suspected poisoning.
- Learn More: Click here to learn more about Day 6 of the EMT Curriculum.
EMT Class Schedule: Day 7
EMT Class Schedule: Day 8
- Trauma Overview: Focuses on the causes and consequences of trauma and the assessment and management of the trauma patient, including multisystem trauma. You will be able to explain the major components of trauma patient assessment.
- Soft-Tissue: Provides instruction for recognizing and managing soft-tissue injuries and trauma. You will be able to demonstrate the emergency medical care of various soft tissue injuries, including chemical, electrical, thermal, inhalation, and radiation burns.
- Face & Neck: Explains the recognition and management of patients with soft-tissue wounds of the face and neck. You will be able to describe the emergency care of a patient who has sustained face and neck injuries, including assessment, signs and symptoms, and management of care.
- Head & Spine: Teaches the recognition and management of patients with head, facial, neck, and spine trauma. You will know the proper pre-hospital treatment for most head and spine injuries.
- Bleeding & “Stop the Bleed” Course: Teaches the recognition and management of bleeding, both external and internal. You will learn the emergency care of patients with bleeding using a variety of medical treatments.
- Learn More: Click here to learn more about Day 8 of the EMT Curriculum.

EMT Class Schedule: Day 9
- Chest Trauma: Teaches the recognition and management of chest injuries. You will be able to describe the management of a patient with a chest injury, including pneumothorax, hemothorax, cardiac tamponade, rib fractures, flail chest, pulmonary contusion, and traumatic asphyxia.
- Abdominal Trauma: Instructs on the assessment and management of abdominal and genitourinary injuries. You will be able to demonstrate proper emergency medical care of patients with a blunt abdominal injury, including an abdominal evisceration wound.
- Environmental Trauma: Teaches the recognition and management of environmental emergencies. You will be proficient in the emergency treatment of various environmental emergencies, including near-drowning, temperature-related illness, bites and envenomations, changes in pressure, and more.
- Orthopedic Trauma: Discusses the causes, consequences, assessment, and management of patients with upper and lower extremity orthopedic trauma. You will be able to describe and provide emergency care for different types of musculoskeletal injuries, including fractures, dislocations, amputations, sprains, and strains.
- Learn More: Click here to learn more about Day 9 of the EMT Curriculum.
EMT Class Schedule: Day 10
- Gynecologic Emergencies: Explains the recognition and management of shock associated with vaginal bleeding and sexual assault. You will be able to discuss the anatomy and physiology of the female reproductive system and common gynecologic emergencies.
- Pediatric Emergencies: Focuses on the assessment and management of emergency pediatric patients. You will know the healthcare implications of abuse, neglect, homelessness, poverty, obesity, developmental disability, and more.
- Obstetrics & Neonatal Care: Teaches the recognition and emergency management of pregnancy. You will gain an understanding of pregnancy, both normal and abnormal, including third-trimester bleeding, spontaneous abortion/miscarriage, and ectopic pregnancy.
- Learn More: Click here to learn more about Day 10 of the EMT Curriculum.
EMT Class Schedule: Day 11
- Transport Operations: Explains the operational roles, risks, and responsibilities of emergency response transport. You will be able to list the nine phases of an ambulance call, name the medical equipment carried on an ambulance, and describe some high-risk situations.
- ICS: Applies knowledge of operational roles and responsibilities to ensure patient, public, and personnel safety. You will learn about incident management, multiple-casualty incidents, and hazardous materials awareness. In addition, you will be able to demonstrate how to perform triage based on a fictional scenario that involves a mass-casualty incident.
- Learn More: Click here to learn more about Day 11 of the EMT Curriculum.
EMT Class Schedule: Day 12
- Vehicle Extrication & Special Rescue: Provides instruction on safe vehicle extraction and the use of simple hand tools for special rescue. You will know the vehicle safety components that may be hazardous to both EMTs and patients following a collision, the factors related to ensuring situational safety, and the ten phases of vehicle extrication.
- Special Challenges: Applies fundamental knowledge of growth, development, and aging and assessment findings to provide basic emergency care and transportation for a patient with special needs. You will learn how to treat an acutely injured patient or patients with special challenges.
- Geriatrics: Focuses on the impact of age-related changes on the assessment and care of emergency patients. You will learn treatment modifications for major geriatric diseases and emergencies, including cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, and endocrine diseases.
- Learn More: Click here to learn more about Day 12 of the EMT Curriculum.
EMT Class Schedule: Day 13
- Advanced Life Support (ALS) Assist: Focuses on the team approach to healthcare. You will be able to define the continuum of care, explain the advantages of a team over a group, and describe the four-step process of assisting with advanced life support.
- Psychomotor Exam
- Learn More: Click here to learn more about Day 13 of the EMT Curriculum.
EMT Class Schedule: Day 14
- Final Examination: On the last day of boot camp, you’ll be given a four-hour final exam to confirm your requisite EMT knowledge and skills.
- Psychomotor Exam
- Learn More: Click here to learn more about Day 14 of the EMT Curriculum.

Unitek 14-Day EMT Boot Camp Enrollment Requirements
In order to enroll in the Unitek 14-Day EMT Boot Camp, you must complete the following:
- Current American Heart Association Basic Life Support for Healthcare Provider Certification (AHA BLS CPR) – Available at Unitek or at an AHA CPR training center near you
- Fingerprinting/Background Check
- High school diploma, GED, or official transcript
- Proof of 9th-grade reading level – Wonderlic Test
- Government issue ID
About Unitek EMT
Unitek EMT is one of the premier EMT schools in Arizona. Our mission is simple: training the next wave of top-notch EMT professionals. We offer various training options to fit your needs, including an accelerated EMT program, to get you mission-ready and certified fast. We also offer an EMS Continuing Education course to update your expertise and enhance your career. Unitek EMT instructors are experienced leaders in their fields, and our real-world training scenarios are ideal for aspiring EMT professionals.
Respond to Your Future as an EMT
As you can see from this itinerary, the EMT Boot Camp won’t be easy—but it will be worth it! In as little as 14 days, you can train for the exciting and vital role of an EMT. Through our boot camp, you will enter the field prepared with the knowledge, skills, and confidence you need to succeed as an EMT and make a significant difference in the lives of others every day.
Click here to see the current EMT Boot Camp Schedule of start dates.